Could Humans Be a Mistake?

"Sometimes, serendipity is just intention unmasked."-Elizabeth Berg (The Year of Pleasures)


Believe it or not, it is possible that the evolution of humans as we see our world today could all be a product of mistakes and chances in science. Aren't we lucky!? Think about it - Evolution of man is defined as: "change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift." In connection to serendipity, mutations and natural selection are specifically significant. Years ago, when man possessed no real intelligence of the world and all of the science behind it's functions, certain traits were passed down through genetics toward the survival of the human body as we know it. It is hard to believe that a universe as complex as ours is a result of a mistake, yet immensely possible. When we look the human body and the intricate scientific functions of our world, it seems as if this was all intentionally created, essentially creating a big puzzle that has worked itself out, all the pieces coming together through evolution, progression, and change. 
In our eyes, evolution can be considered an accidental mutation. Each living thing on our planet has a unique set of genes, passed down from their parents. Every once in a while, in the creation of a new life, as meiosis is occurs and cells divide, genetic mutations can result, BY CHANCE! Now, these mutations can either be good or bad. Generally, these mutations are negative. If a child is born with a mutation causing it to have a tail, nobody will want to mate with this child for fear of their children acquiring this bizarre trait. Now, through natural selection, this trait dies off, eliminating the possibility of the survival of tailed humans. A beneficial instance, however,could be a child can be born possessing incredible intelligence far beyond the norm.  Again, through natural selection, this child will be a desired mate, in hopes of passing along a dominant trait for super intelligence. Now, the future of their children, and their children's children, and so on will pass carry along this unique trait for the future population, all by accident!