Interview with a Lotto Winner! 

During one of our first brain storm sessions right after we decided on our word, someone (its escaping my memory at the moment) came up with the idea that a lottery winner would be an ideal interview. Seriously, what could be more serendipitous than waking up one day with just an average income and going to bed a millionaire? It immediately dawned on us the improbability of finding one, let alone one that would be willing to talk about it. Well if this project has taught us anything, its look and think outside the box, nothing is impossible!  After searching and searching for ones on Long Island, we ended up with one from from Upstate New York. Why you ask? Read the following email interactions, and you'll discover a highly serendipitous story hidden in an interview about another highly serendipitous story. 

Michael Landers On His Claim To Fame in Ping Pong